The modern chainsaw used in the timber industry has evolved from the original prototype invented by two like-minded Scottish doctors, John Aitken and James Jeffray. The invention was created in the late 18th century for the purposes of symphysiotomy and removal of diseased bone.

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Brain Facts

Your entire consciousness is contained in your brain. Everything that you see, feel, smell, and taste isn’t really being processed by your eyes, hands, or nose. Every part of your body is constantly conversing with your brain, sending signals back and forth that dictate your entire corporeal experience.

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three word

Words are profoundly powerful, especially when chosen carefully. The simplicity of linking just three words, spoken at any moment, can evoke a multitude of emotions. Here are the 100 Best Three Word Phrases: 1. “I’ll be there.” 2. “I Love You.” 3. “Maybe you’re right.” 4. “I trust you.” 5. “Go for it.” 6. “Got […]

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Skin diseases are difficult conditions to live with, to say the very least. Though some skin diseases may cause minimal discomfort, the visual effects of the conditions can cause significant self esteem and confidence issues. The majority of skin diseases cause scarring or disfigurement. Skin diseases run the gambit from barely noticeable to fatal. Below […]

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When you run experiments, there’s inherently an element of the unknown. After all, we’re trying to figure out things we don’t know. And sometimes, things go wrong. FATALLY WRONG! Here are some of the most interesting, most intriguing, and sometimes most horrific, experimental deaths we’ve ever heard of. 15. Those magnificent men and their flying […]

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The world is out to get you. That’s how I ended up feeling after compiling this list of horrifying, permanently scarring, eternally terrifying rare diseases. Genetic, infectious, parasitic and everything in-between, these 15 diseases scar their victims for life and scar us mentally having looked at them. 15. Blaschko’s Lines So, it turns out we […]

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In more repressed times, people were not always allowed to express themselves freely, for fear of persecution. Gossiping, criticizing the government or even talking about current events were often punishable by death. In order to communicate at will, clever rhymes were constructed and passed around to parody public figures and events. The first nursery rhymes […]

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