“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it” – William Pitt the Elder, British Prime Minister from 1766 to 1768. Our nations’ leaders are supposed to be paragons of virtue and strength, ever striving to better the populace’s lot in life and aid their country’s economic and social progress. The […]

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Dark Fantasy is a nebulous psuedo-genre of the fantastic. It can cover urban fantasy with rough edges, Lovecraftian horror, epic fantasy with violence and dirt still intact — but it’s all these things and more. It’s any story of the fantastic where things aren’t Tolkien-levels of happy. Were people are complex beings, where there’s no […]

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The world of biological hoaxes is a great one. Some of them are pranks, some are there to make money, and some are just to laugh at those who don’t know any better. There’s something about slapping together of a handful of different animals and convincing tourists that it’s a real thing that exists across […]

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Imagine being suspended hundreds of feet in the air above hard rock or raging waters; all that is keeping you suspended in the air is a wooden board, a taut rope and your balance. You prepare yourself for disaster: if the rope gives way or if your foot slips then death seems inevitable; but in […]

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How many times have you heard how important first impressions are? People will tell you when you first meet someone new, the individual decides within the first few minutes of the initial encounter whether or not you are someone he/she would like to: befriend, hire, become lovers with, or avoid at all costs. As these […]

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When we think of animals that will destroy us, rend us limb from limb, and leave us in a bloody mess, we usually thing of the huge and horrifying. Which means we forget about the real threats: the tiny, the cute, the gorgeous. The animals at which we ooh and aaah over, but are deadly, […]

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Psychopaths can be deceiving and detecting a psychopath at a glance is often difficult to do. Psychopaths can be good looking, charming, and seemingly “normal” people but they have the potential to be extremely harmful, or even deadly. Once the sweet surface of the psycho is scratched however, a revealing look at personality disorders presents […]

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Life’s toughest lessons are learned by making mistakes. It’s what we learn from our experiences, the good, the bad, the ugly, that matter most. Have some fun with these tongue in cheek common mistakes that (we think) everyone should commit at least once in a lifetime. 1. Getting married Everyone should take a trip down […]

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The idea of the earth tearing itself apart is terrifying enough, but the devastation that earthquakes cause is only intensified by the huge waves that can follow a massive seismic disturbance in the ocean bed. Often, coastal inhabitants have just minutes to flee to higher ground, and any delay can cause shocking casualties. In the […]

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Today’s dating game is a bit overwhelming. Whether you’re new to the game, returning to the game, or just out to see what kind of trouble you can get into, here is the countdown of the Best Pick Up Lines: 20 Most Original, Ordinary, and (downright) Outrageous lines to start (or end) a conversation! (On […]

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