“In the theatre there are 1,500 cameras rolling at the same time- in the cinema, only one,” as quoted by Orson Welles, the prolific director of the most studied film of all time, Citizen Kane. Within the last century cinema has grown from pioneering silent films into orchestrated musicals, “spaghetti westerns” and has taken us […]

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Sleeping At Last is an Indie rock band from Wheaton, Illinois, formed during 1998. Sleeping At Last was founded by Ryan O’Neal, Chad O’Neal, and Dan Perdue, with Ryan on lead vocals, guitar, and piano, Chad on drums, and Perdue on bass and keyboards. The band originated a strong, Wheaton area following as the opening […]

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There is a common misconception that the further back in time you go, the more polite, restrained and principled people were. Not true. The Victorians got their rocks off in bawdy whore-houses, Medieval Europe was clearly awash with S&M inspired ‘torture’ and the Romans… well, see for yourself. 10. Plautus – Amphityron   Quando mecum […]

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Those who ask the difficult questions, like “Why are we here?”, “From where do we derive morals?” and “What does it all really mean, when you get right down to it?” have given humanity amazing philosophical insights and ethical guidance. Unfortunately, thinking too much about these issues can sometimes also lead to the brains of […]

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The 20th century was a time of great change, with devastating wars, the rise of two superpowers, and the fall of one. Demonstrations have been used throughout history to change the world, both peacefully and violently, but in the 20th century activism came into its own in an age of protest. 10. March on Washington […]

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The cliché goes that “a picture is worth a thousand words,” but some photographs eschew any such numeric limitation and go on talking to us forever; certain photo portraits have that rare power. Far more than pictorial representations of celebrated or instantly recognizable figures, they capture so much more, seeming to encapsulate not simply the […]

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The Digital Millennium Copyright ACT (DMCA) is one of the best-known and most-controversial pieces of legislation passed in recent years. It has had a greater impact on the Web than virtually any other piece of legislation and is largely responsible for much of the Web we see today. One of the critical elements of the […]

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When you run experiments, there’s inherently an element of the unknown. After all, we’re trying to figure out things we don’t know. And sometimes, things go wrong. FATALLY WRONG! Here are some of the most interesting, most intriguing, and sometimes most horrific, experimental deaths we’ve ever heard of. 15. Those magnificent men and their flying […]

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Being diagnosed with any incurable disease is misfortune enough, but society for some reason looks upon the diagnoses of rare diseases as a special kind of grim fate dealt by the universe, the house which always wins. But sometimes — a one in ten million or more sometimes — a person is stricken with a […]

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Image Source What’s so great about having eyes anyway? If these eyeless animals could talk, they’d tell you that vision is overrated. Each one of these ten incredible creatures has an amazing story to tell. In the darkest environments, with nothing to go on but smell, touch and hearing, they manage to feed and reproduce, […]

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