The Digital Millennium Copyright ACT (DMCA) is one of the best-known and most-controversial pieces of legislation passed in recent years. It has had a greater impact on the Web than virtually any other piece of legislation and is largely responsible for much of the Web we see today. One of the critical elements of the […]

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Athletes, bodybuilders, and everyday gym goers take their fitness routines seriously. They may have important goals, such as improving their performance, increasing their strength, boosting their endurance, and decreasing their weight or fat loss. Yet, all fitness enthusiasts recognize their workouts can be challenging at times. They may look into pre-workout supplements to enhance their […]

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Genius Brand wears its philosophy pretty openly, from the name to the logo. It’s about science-based, research-proven supplements for athletes and gym-goers who think seriously about what they put in the body.  The perfect subject for Brainz.  Initial Impressions of Genius Pre Workout As far as packaging, Genius Brand products are pretty unassuming and refreshingly […]

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Gorilla Mode has made a name for itself on the sports nutrition market, with its bold brand image and aggressive marketing. But does it live up to the hype? Will it turn you into a gym beast with the strength of 20 men? Brainz is going to find out.  Initial Impressions of Gorilla Mode Pre […]

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Honey Badger is the only sports nutrition brand we know of named for an early viral video, so they’ve got that going for them. Founded by Anthony Bonello in 2013, Honey Badger is inspired by the most fearless animal in the world (and viral YouTube sensation from 2011). With that kind of tenacity and verve, […]

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Founded by fitness marketer Ryan Hughes, Ghost has been making a name in the supplement business since 2016. Ghost has made sure that their name is synonymous with transparency and honesty. The Ghost tweaked their original Legend Pre-Workout formula in 2021 with a focus on power and mental clarity.  Ghost puts a premium on the […]

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Fitness isn’t just physical – it’s mental, too. More than that – the brain is an organ, so there’s no difference. A good workout carries just as much of a cognitive load as any “intellectual” challenge, and getting your body in shape means getting your brain in shape. That’s why so many athletes are turning […]

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alabama facts

There are many interesting facts about Alabama to discover as you start to explore the state.

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Outer Space

While it is true that there is no way we could ever explore all of space, conceivably, it might shock a lot of people to find out how much we already know.

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Humans throughout history have needed a way to store, prepare and eat food. Eventually this led to the creation of what we know today as the kitchen, but how has this room developed over time? In the last 500 years, kitchens have evolved beyond recognition with smart technology and interior design making them the cozy […]

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