Brain Facts

Your entire consciousness is contained in your brain. Everything that you see, feel, smell, and taste isn’t really being processed by your eyes, hands, or nose. Every part of your body is constantly conversing with your brain, sending signals back and forth that dictate your entire corporeal experience.

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In the Age of Influencers, our culture is saturated with gurus, experts, motivators, and inspirational figures (also, trolls). Health and fitness is no different. Finding the best online personal trainer is subjective, but there are figures in the world of wellness, nutrition, fitness, and athletics who have risen to the top. They bring inventive ideas, […]

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If Mad Men presented a rarified world where advertisers were the secret puppeteers of American life, the real world of digital marketing today is just as thrilling. Technological advances in data analytics mean that we can understand consumer behavior in a way that makes the old-fashioned “throw it against the wall and see what sticks” […]

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In Michael Pollan’s latest book How To Change Your Mind he suggests that as people grow older the magic of the world goes away. Things feel more tedious. Our brains get used to the patterns we see around us. The joy of life can fade. And for this reason, Pollan suggests psychedelics as an antidote. […]

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Best Mattresses

Most statistics put forth on the matter of sleep tend to say that humans sleep for roughly a third of our entire lives. If that’s the case, that makes it that much more important to do so comfortably. In this list, you can read about the ten best mattresses you can get right now. We […]

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Try a Lint Roller

Spring cleaning is one of those things that everyone sort of dreads starting but once you get started, it feels so refreshing and gives you a completely new outlook for the year ahead. Cleaning hacks sometimes are a little bit questionable when you read them, like pouring a bottle of Coca-Cola or a packet of […]

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Tullahoma, Tennessee has a great range of options for staying fit for a small city. Outdoor options include numerous state parks within 30 miles. Tims Ford Lake provides water sports, golf, and more. And there are many events throughout the year including marathons, powerlifting competitions, bike races, and martial arts tournaments.  For many fitness enthusiasts, […]

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Focus On One Thing At A Time

Starting fresh is something that you can do anytime that you feel the need to do so, but there is something very symbolic about the beginning of a new year. It is widely celebrated around the world as the marking of a milestone, and it sparks people to try and create positive changes in their […]

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psychic Gerard Croiset

Can psychics really help solve crimes? Here are 10 psychic sleuths who actually did. Over the years law-enforcement agencies have created and developed an array of investigative tools which are designed to aid criminal investigations. But when – despite these new technologies – detectives find themselves at a dead-end, they may actually turn to psychic […]

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Mark Zuckerberg

Atheism is generating quite a lot of attention these days. Prominent atheists are getting the word out about their views in increasing numbers and generating lots of public debate on the proper place of religion in governments and share societies in the modern world. And now more than ever, atheists have been able to network […]

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