You may have heard a lot about telehealth services in the past year or so, thanks to an increase in usage due to social distancing and quarantine, but you may not have found a reason to use them. So, just what are telehealth services, and how are they used? What is Telehealth? The simplest telehealth […]

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psychology facts

Understanding ourselves can be harder than understanding our surroundings. While humans do have a lot of similarities to one another, we are still vastly different. There are some facts about psychology that are common to all people, and others that are about a more select group.

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Outer Space

While it is true that there is no way we could ever explore all of space, conceivably, it might shock a lot of people to find out how much we already know.

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South Carolina

South Carolina is a state with a lot to offer. From beaches and golf courses to mountains and influential cities.

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The ocean is so vast that it is easier to divide it into regions but, the oceans are just one vast body of water that covers the Earth.

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Brain Facts

Your entire consciousness is contained in your brain. Everything that you see, feel, smell, and taste isn’t really being processed by your eyes, hands, or nose. Every part of your body is constantly conversing with your brain, sending signals back and forth that dictate your entire corporeal experience.

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The benefits of grass-fed beef are well-known by this time – leaner meat, lower risk of heart disease, healthier animals (which equals better quality meat). Conventionally-raised cattle are generally fed on a grain-based diet, including corn or other grains. That causes them to grow faster, fatter, and more profitably. But cows’ digestive system are not […]

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In the Age of Influencers, our culture is saturated with gurus, experts, motivators, and inspirational figures (also, trolls). Health and fitness is no different. Finding the best online personal trainer is subjective, but there are figures in the world of wellness, nutrition, fitness, and athletics who have risen to the top. They bring inventive ideas, […]

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Try a Lint Roller

Spring cleaning is one of those things that everyone sort of dreads starting but once you get started, it feels so refreshing and gives you a completely new outlook for the year ahead. Cleaning hacks sometimes are a little bit questionable when you read them, like pouring a bottle of Coca-Cola or a packet of […]

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Mark Zuckerberg

Atheism is generating quite a lot of attention these days. Prominent atheists are getting the word out about their views in increasing numbers and generating lots of public debate on the proper place of religion in governments and share societies in the modern world. And now more than ever, atheists have been able to network […]

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