Brain Facts

Your entire consciousness is contained in your brain. Everything that you see, feel, smell, and taste isn’t really being processed by your eyes, hands, or nose. Every part of your body is constantly conversing with your brain, sending signals back and forth that dictate your entire corporeal experience.

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I don’t know about you but every time I feel a cold coming on I sorta freak out. If I don’t beat it early, my colds turn into 2-3 week events with runny noses, low energy, sore throats and lots and lots of coughing. I really don’t like going there. So over the years I’ve […]

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In Michael Pollan’s latest book How To Change Your Mind he suggests that as people grow older the magic of the world goes away. Things feel more tedious. Our brains get used to the patterns we see around us. The joy of life can fade. And for this reason, Pollan suggests psychedelics as an antidote. […]

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Universally and instantly recognizable, the President of the United States – the heads of state and government of the world’s largest superpower, the commander–in-chief of the US Armed Forces, the omnipotent and oft-termed “Leader of the Free World” – requires no long-winded or flowery introduction. What does require clarification, however, are the notions of “smartness” […]

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Dollar Bill

Photo Credit: Dollar Bill Art People spend their lives trying to figure out how to make money, but do they know how money is literally made? You might be surprised to discover what materials involved in money production and how long it takes to actually turn a bill into the form you recognize and use […]

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Harry Winston

In the US, a burglary occurs every 14.6 seconds. Hear that glass breaking? In the time it takes you to read the introduction to this article, another one will happen. Go ahead – read it with your stop watch running. While most of these crimes are committed by small-time crooks that eventually get caught by […]

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german shepard

For many people pets become treasured members of the family, so when they are lost it can be extremely stressful as tragic endings are common. Often, after searching high and low, placing fliers in public places and checking shelters families are forced to give up hope of ever seeing their furry, feathered or scaled friends […]

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world leaders

Once upon a time, the presidents, prime ministers and chancellors of this world were just like you. They went to college, they worked, they played; some of them were cool. Yet as their college days ceased, and their pursuit of the top job began, they relinquished personal style for sartorial homogeny. In pulling on a […]

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Nine years ago the RIAA won a groundbreaking suit against in what would become the beginning of a nearly decade-long flood of litigation. The incident seemed to be a tipping point for the Entertainment Industry, as both the RIAA and MPAA up until then had enjoyed little success in stemming the piracy movement which […]

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For the past 56 years the Church of Scientology has blazed a path of headlines and mystery across the globe. Once existing only as the idea held by a single man, the Church has grown into a multinational, highly organized institution in record time. There is little doubt that trends in the 60’s and 70’s […]

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