The ocean is so vast that it is easier to divide it into regions but, the oceans are just one vast body of water that covers the Earth.

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Image Source Bioluminescence in animals is one of nature’s most fascinating phenomena and may greatly delight the casual observer. However, the showy displays of light produced by the creatures themselves, or by luminous symbiotic microorganisms, serve a range of important purposes. Predatory anglerfish may use bioluminescence to lure victims, while other species glow in order […]

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Love is one of the most powerful forces known to man. Love is very much like water: it’s nearly everywhere, it can replenish, it can destroy, it can pour, it can pull you under, it can push you up, it can melt, it can freeze, and it can evaporate for use elsewhere, particularly when it […]

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Every tablet has a different variety of hardware and software options so finding one which best suits your demands and desires is essential. There are so many different options to consider when comparison shopping for a tablet. Speed, durability, battery life, ease of use, display quality, screen size, cost and other features are just some […]

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