People around the world have been smoking marijuana for thousands of years while also using the hemp plant for everything from fabric and rope to ethanol fuel. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, a man with a bit of power and enough determination decided pot was wicked, evil and narcotic. He moved mountains to make it […]

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Have you ever loved a movie so much, you’ve wanted to climb straight into its world and never leave? Middle Earth, perhaps? Bruce Wayne’s Batcave? How about a Galaxy Far, Far Away? Well, the lucky owners of these 10 home theaters can do just that. These 10 movie-themed home theaters are sure to blow your […]

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Image Source From the mountains of China to the warm waters of the Caribbean, sinkholes pockmark the surface of our planet. These phenomena – which almost make the Earth look as if it’s being devoured from within – resemble vertical caves and are home to a plethora of exciting discoveries, including unique floating islands, strange […]

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Treadmills are an excellent way to improve the fitness and health of beginners to advanced athletes. They provide a safe and comfortable way to get an intense jogging or walking workout that is easier on the joints. While treadmills are a good choice for anyone interested in exercising, they come with such a variety of […]

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If you love coffee, or even like it slightly, there’s no better pick me up than a hot or cold cup! And the only thing better than having someone else make your favorite mug for you in your favorite corner coffeeshop, is having the best coffeemaker at home! Whether you’re on your first or last […]

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Every tablet has a different variety of hardware and software options so finding one which best suits your demands and desires is essential. There are so many different options to consider when comparison shopping for a tablet. Speed, durability, battery life, ease of use, display quality, screen size, cost and other features are just some […]

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Most parents dream of buying a dollhouse for their daughters. It can provide years of entertainment for girls and their parents. A dollhouse can enhance creativity, improve communication skills, and offer a safe place to practice problem-solving skills. It is really the top must-have gift for girls, and there are many, many different types of […]

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Most people hope they’ll die by passing in their sleep, in a peaceful setting, or maybe surrounded by loved ones. But for the victims of these 15 executions, that couldn’t be further from reality. Whether it’s being set on fire inside of a tire or having your limbs slowly cut off, these deaths are sure […]

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Atheism is generating quite a lot of attention these days. Prominent atheists are getting the word out about their views in increasing numbers and generating lots of public debate on the proper place of religion in governments and societies in the modern world. And now more than ever, atheists have been able to network together […]

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In more repressed times, people were not always allowed to express themselves freely, for fear of persecution. Gossiping, criticizing the government or even talking about current events were often punishable by death. In order to communicate at will, clever rhymes were constructed and passed around to parody public figures and events. The first nursery rhymes […]

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