
Nine years ago the RIAA won a groundbreaking suit against Napster.com in what would become the beginning of a nearly decade-long flood of litigation. The incident seemed to be a tipping point for the Entertainment Industry, as both the RIAA and MPAA up until then had enjoyed little success in stemming the piracy movement which […]

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The Digital Millennium Copyright ACT (DMCA) is one of the best-known and most-controversial pieces of legislation passed in recent years. It has had a greater impact on the Web than virtually any other piece of legislation and is largely responsible for much of the Web we see today. One of the critical elements of the […]

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Every tablet has a different variety of hardware and software options so finding one which best suits your demands and desires is essential. There are so many different options to consider when comparison shopping for a tablet. Speed, durability, battery life, ease of use, display quality, screen size, cost and other features are just some […]

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