It is no secret that our healthcare system in America is in dire straits. With the growing tension surrounding the idea of universal healthcare and the rising costs of health insurance, we’re incredibly divided as a nation on these issues, and we’re not getting any healthier. In this list, you can look under the hood […]

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Universally and instantly recognizable, the President of the United States – the heads of state and government of the world’s largest superpower, the commander–in-chief of the US Armed Forces, the omnipotent and oft-termed “Leader of the Free World” – requires no long-winded or flowery introduction. What does require clarification, however, are the notions of “smartness” […]

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Harry Winston

In the US, a burglary occurs every 14.6 seconds. Hear that glass breaking? In the time it takes you to read the introduction to this article, another one will happen. Go ahead – read it with your stop watch running. While most of these crimes are committed by small-time crooks that eventually get caught by […]

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world leaders

Once upon a time, the presidents, prime ministers and chancellors of this world were just like you. They went to college, they worked, they played; some of them were cool. Yet as their college days ceased, and their pursuit of the top job began, they relinquished personal style for sartorial homogeny. In pulling on a […]

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For the past 56 years the Church of Scientology has blazed a path of headlines and mystery across the globe. Once existing only as the idea held by a single man, the Church has grown into a multinational, highly organized institution in record time. There is little doubt that trends in the 60’s and 70’s […]

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“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it” – William Pitt the Elder, British Prime Minister from 1766 to 1768. Our nations’ leaders are supposed to be paragons of virtue and strength, ever striving to better the populace’s lot in life and aid their country’s economic and social progress. The […]

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Dark Fantasy is a nebulous psuedo-genre of the fantastic. It can cover urban fantasy with rough edges, Lovecraftian horror, epic fantasy with violence and dirt still intact — but it’s all these things and more. It’s any story of the fantastic where things aren’t Tolkien-levels of happy. Were people are complex beings, where there’s no […]

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“In the theatre there are 1,500 cameras rolling at the same time- in the cinema, only one,” as quoted by Orson Welles, the prolific director of the most studied film of all time, Citizen Kane. Within the last century cinema has grown from pioneering silent films into orchestrated musicals, “spaghetti westerns” and has taken us […]

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Those who ask the difficult questions, like “Why are we here?”, “From where do we derive morals?” and “What does it all really mean, when you get right down to it?” have given humanity amazing philosophical insights and ethical guidance. Unfortunately, thinking too much about these issues can sometimes also lead to the brains of […]

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This year we set out to come up with a useful and interesting list showcasing 100 of the best blogs on the Internet. This list should give you a good inside track into the vast world of ideas out there on the Internet. It’s impossible to scour the net for all worthy blogs in a […]

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