Outer Space

While it is true that there is no way we could ever explore all of space, conceivably, it might shock a lot of people to find out how much we already know.

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The ocean is so vast that it is easier to divide it into regions but, the oceans are just one vast body of water that covers the Earth.

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Brain Facts

Your entire consciousness is contained in your brain. Everything that you see, feel, smell, and taste isn’t really being processed by your eyes, hands, or nose. Every part of your body is constantly conversing with your brain, sending signals back and forth that dictate your entire corporeal experience.

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Health Apps

With the holiday season quickly approaching, health tends to fall by the wayside. Whether or not you celebrate, a lot of people go home around this time of year because of school breaks, there is a lot more decadent food to be had, and of course, many students are feeling the pressures of finals week. […]

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Image Source Bioluminescence in animals is one of nature’s most fascinating phenomena and may greatly delight the casual observer. However, the showy displays of light produced by the creatures themselves, or by luminous symbiotic microorganisms, serve a range of important purposes. Predatory anglerfish may use bioluminescence to lure victims, while other species glow in order […]

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Image Source Forget outer space; there are aliens far closer to home! These bizarre looking and strangely fascinating sharks look like they’re from another world. And from poisonous flesh and electrical sensors to sneaky ambushes and the impaling of prey, their methods of attack and self-defense are just as extraterrestrial seeming. Without further ado, then, […]

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Dreams are the subject of great debate amongst dream experts, sleep researchers and doctors. Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud once stated: “Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.” Here are some of the most common and weird dreams many people experience while they sleep. 1. Flying Dreams Flying dreams, with or without wings, […]

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Psychopaths can be deceiving and detecting a psychopath at a glance is often difficult to do. Psychopaths can be good looking, charming, and seemingly “normal” people but they have the potential to be extremely harmful, or even deadly. Once the sweet surface of the psycho is scratched however, a revealing look at personality disorders presents […]

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Aside from catching chicken pox as a kid, nobody would ever go out of their way to get sick. Why would they? The best you can hope for is a few days off from work, and really, playing hooky isn’t as fun since Bob Barker stopped hosting The Price Is Right. However, there are a […]

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When you run experiments, there’s inherently an element of the unknown. After all, we’re trying to figure out things we don’t know. And sometimes, things go wrong. FATALLY WRONG! Here are some of the most interesting, most intriguing, and sometimes most horrific, experimental deaths we’ve ever heard of. 15. Those magnificent men and their flying […]

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