alabama facts

There are many interesting facts about Alabama to discover as you start to explore the state.

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Outer Space

While it is true that there is no way we could ever explore all of space, conceivably, it might shock a lot of people to find out how much we already know.

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Humans throughout history have needed a way to store, prepare and eat food. Eventually this led to the creation of what we know today as the kitchen, but how has this room developed over time? In the last 500 years, kitchens have evolved beyond recognition with smart technology and interior design making them the cozy […]

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Brain Facts

Your entire consciousness is contained in your brain. Everything that you see, feel, smell, and taste isn’t really being processed by your eyes, hands, or nose. Every part of your body is constantly conversing with your brain, sending signals back and forth that dictate your entire corporeal experience.

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In the Age of Influencers, our culture is saturated with gurus, experts, motivators, and inspirational figures (also, trolls). Health and fitness is no different. Finding the best online personal trainer is subjective, but there are figures in the world of wellness, nutrition, fitness, and athletics who have risen to the top. They bring inventive ideas, […]

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Your business may be growing by word of mouth (or the digital equivalent – good social buzz), and your website may be doing decent traffic from organic search, but that’s not going to get you to the next level. If you want to make your presence known on a larger scale, your own in-house SEO […]

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Riots display human beings acting at their worst. Usually the result of political or social turmoil, most riots rely on killing, raping, looting and widespread destruction to get their point across. After examining the tolls that riots take on society, we have to wonder whether this is an effective way to bring about change. Below […]

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Australia is a land of deadly creatures that seem to take obscene joy in killing you — and not just Queenslanders hunting down anyone who’s brown. No, the entire ecosystem seems specifically designed to kill, what with the horrible desert, deadly animals, annoying insects, and constant worry of drop bear attack. These 13 animals are […]

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Skin diseases are difficult conditions to live with, to say the very least. Though some skin diseases may cause minimal discomfort, the visual effects of the conditions can cause significant self esteem and confidence issues. The majority of skin diseases cause scarring or disfigurement. Skin diseases run the gambit from barely noticeable to fatal. Below […]

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When we think of animals that will destroy us, rend us limb from limb, and leave us in a bloody mess, we usually thing of the huge and horrifying. Which means we forget about the real threats: the tiny, the cute, the gorgeous. The animals at which we ooh and aaah over, but are deadly, […]

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