Try a Lint Roller

Spring cleaning is one of those things that everyone sort of dreads starting but once you get started, it feels so refreshing and gives you a completely new outlook for the year ahead. Cleaning hacks sometimes are a little bit questionable when you read them, like pouring a bottle of Coca-Cola or a packet of […]

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Riots display human beings acting at their worst. Usually the result of political or social turmoil, most riots rely on killing, raping, looting and widespread destruction to get their point across. After examining the tolls that riots take on society, we have to wonder whether this is an effective way to bring about change. Below […]

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Dark Fantasy is a nebulous psuedo-genre of the fantastic. It can cover urban fantasy with rough edges, Lovecraftian horror, epic fantasy with violence and dirt still intact — but it’s all these things and more. It’s any story of the fantastic where things aren’t Tolkien-levels of happy. Were people are complex beings, where there’s no […]

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Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, better known as Adele, is an English recording artist and song writer. The self proclaimed “heartbroken soul” singer was born on May 5, 1988 in Tottenham, London, England, and was raised by her single mother who worked as a masseuse and made furniture. Adele’s father was a ship worker who was […]

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Vertiginous views are one thing, but combine such dizzying prospects with the sense that the planks on which you walk might give way at a moment’s notice, and even the bravest soul would be forgiven for allowing a little fear to creep in. The urge to inhabit high up places has been with us throughout […]

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The issue of copycat crime is a fascinating one that raises deep questions in the fields of psychology, philosophy, criminology and jurisprudence. Are filmmakers – if not legally, at least morally – responsible for their creations that motivate people to commit crime? Would these people act in such a manner but for the movie? Should […]

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Every tablet has a different variety of hardware and software options so finding one which best suits your demands and desires is essential. There are so many different options to consider when comparison shopping for a tablet. Speed, durability, battery life, ease of use, display quality, screen size, cost and other features are just some […]

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In more repressed times, people were not always allowed to express themselves freely, for fear of persecution. Gossiping, criticizing the government or even talking about current events were often punishable by death. In order to communicate at will, clever rhymes were constructed and passed around to parody public figures and events. The first nursery rhymes […]

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